To make a fixed menu when scrolling is Joomla is really easy !
Just need css and a small javascript .
First you need a jquery library. Propably your templates already loads so most of the times you do not have to do anything
Lets say that you have you menu in a class named header_menu
create a js file and give it any name you want. For our example we will call it menu.js
Put inside this code
Add this to your template . Propably edit the index.php and add this code
this means that you have a folder named javascript and inside you put the menu.js file
Last , go to your css and add this
.f-nav {z-index:9999;position:fixed;left:0;top:0;width:100%;}/* this make our menu fixed top */
How does this work?
when your menu ( class header_menu ) goes to the top of the page then the javascript tells him to add af-nav class beside the header_menu class. As you see the f-nav have position:fixed and top:0px!
thats it!